Community rules
Welcome to ReviewLab's community!
We're here to help each other learn, improve, and succeed faster by sharing constructive feedback. To make sure everyone feels safe and supported while sharing their work, please follow these simple rules:
1. You don’t have to be perfect
Don't worry if your project isn't finished or if you're feeling unsure about it. ReviewLab is not a competition for the best project—it's a place to share ideas, early-stage work, and get suggestions that can help you shape your project into something great.
2. Stay open-minded
While receiving feedback, consider it with attention, openness, and curiosity. Remember that innovation often comes from thinking differently, and the best ideas sometimes come from unexpected places.
3. Share constructive feedback
Help others by providing honest, constructive feedback. Share your thoughts in a way that can help someone improve. Instead of just pointing out what’s wrong, offer suggestions on how to make it better. Your goal is to help the person improve, not to bring them down.
4. Be respectful and kind
Everyone has different skills, and your work doesn't define who you are as a person. If you see something that needs improvement, share your opinions and thoughts in a respectful manner. Treat everyone with kindness and understanding.
5. Respect privacy
Remember, everyone’s work and ideas are their own. Don’t publish projects from ReviewLab outside of the community unless you have permission. Let’s keep this a safe and private space.