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ReviewLab 2.0

We released ReviewLab 2.0 with a bunch of cool features and improvements: new reviewing mode, user profile cards, and more.

Google sign-in

We've added the option for users to sign up or log in using Google since many people complained that they couldn't sign up via LinkedIn. We hope this will improve the user experience and make it easier for users to join ReviewLab.

ReviewLab 0.0

We launched ReviewLab MVP with a minimalistic design and essential features. Users can sign up or log in via LinkedIn, choose from 5 types of feedback, get a project for review, and earn credit points that they can use to request more feedback.

Jobs-to-be-Done interviews

We conducted Jobs-to-be-Done (JTBD) interviews with potential users to better understand their needs and also collected some data via a simple survey. Here is what we've learned from it.

Waiting list and team growth

Bea (Product Designer) and Inessa (Graphic Designer) have joined our team. We created our waiting list and started talking to potential users to learn more about the Jobs-to-be-Done scenarios when people want to request feedback. We also started working on the MVP.

The idea was born

On April 29, 2024, Roman and Maksim decided to start working together on a 'Feedback app'—a platform for mutual feedback on websites, apps, and designs.